Downloaded a gpx from ridewithgps. Started from a different point, so joined the course part way through. It found the course but started taking me in completely different directions from what I plotted. How is that possible?
Thankfully was in the same general direction until I knew where I was, after which it started going in the completely wrong direction so I ignored it.
So essentially it was following a course, but not what I had can that be?
Are you sure it was following a course and not navigating to a point? Perhaps you loaded the wrong course? I've not had this kind of thing happen but I guess with Garmin anything is possible.
So my 800 has decided to have a mind of it's own.
Downloaded a gpx from ridewithgps. Started from a different point, so joined the course part way through. It found the course but started taking me in completely different directions from what I plotted. How is that possible?
Thankfully was in the same general direction until I knew where I was, after which it started going in the completely wrong direction so I ignored it.
So essentially it was following a course, but not what I had can that be?