Hmmm. I decided to change one named range to OFFSET to try and highlight the problem.
Here is my conundrum:
CONF ='Jan11-Apr15 Cases'!$F:$F
Here is the formula i use it in:
=COUNTIFS(Infection,'DM NA calculations 2015'!R21,CONF,"Suspected")
This returns a number I expect.
when i create CONF2 =OFFSET('Jan11-Apr15 Cases'!$F$1,0,0,COUNTA('Jan11-Apr15 Cases'!$F:$F),1)
and use it in
=COUNTIFS(Infection,'DM NA calculations 2015'!R21,CONF2,"Suspected")
Hmmm. I decided to change one named range to OFFSET to try and highlight the problem.
Here is my conundrum:
CONF ='Jan11-Apr15 Cases'!$F:$F
Here is the formula i use it in:
=COUNTIFS(Infection,'DM NA calculations 2015'!R21,CONF,"Suspected")
This returns a number I expect.
when i create CONF2 =OFFSET('Jan11-Apr15 Cases'!$F$1,0,0,COUNTA('Jan11-Apr15 Cases'!$F:$F),1)
and use it in
=COUNTIFS(Infection,'DM NA calculations 2015'!R21,CONF2,"Suspected")
I get #VALUE!
Is it because there are blanks in the range?
I've tried using (from
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And that no work either.