I have no lookups. It is just coutnifs. I have to export from three sources. Then build something that reports across all three. In this way I should be able to plonk data from each source into its own sheet, have calculation sheets look at the respective sheets, pull those counts into graphs and a summary table.
This is only temporary until the data sources are sorted out and it all comes out of one pipe. I tried the offset and it mucked up the calculations. It was nearly home time, so I'll look again today.
I have no lookups. It is just coutnifs. I have to export from three sources. Then build something that reports across all three. In this way I should be able to plonk data from each source into its own sheet, have calculation sheets look at the respective sheets, pull those counts into graphs and a summary table.
This is only temporary until the data sources are sorted out and it all comes out of one pipe. I tried the offset and it mucked up the calculations. It was nearly home time, so I'll look again today.