As a Nottingham born boy, I've always had a certain love for Raleigh, and for the last few years have promised my self I'd one day get a post war RRA, the pinnacle of Raleigh bikes (prior to G.O.D at least. )
Well, as look would have it, about 3 months ago I spied a poorly listed and badly photographed one going cheap on ebay, in a rather sorry state in Oxford,, with horrible paint and a jumble of parts.
IT's been hanging around in the storage space for about 3 months as I finish other things, but now it's time as come.
I've stripped most of the jumble of crappy old parts (some of which is on sale here now-nothing special though I'm afraid.), and collected a few bits so far.
As a Nottingham born boy, I've always had a certain love for Raleigh, and for the last few years have promised my self I'd one day get a post war RRA, the pinnacle of Raleigh bikes (prior to G.O.D at least. )
Well, as look would have it, about 3 months ago I spied a poorly listed and badly photographed one going cheap on ebay, in a rather sorry state in Oxford,, with horrible paint and a jumble of parts.
IT's been hanging around in the storage space for about 3 months as I finish other things, but now it's time as come.
I've stripped most of the jumble of crappy old parts (some of which is on sale here now-nothing special though I'm afraid.), and collected a few bits so far.
The f & F with original RRA head clip: