I got new toys: on the left, my old ZNA with a Squape R Clone, which is probably the best atomizer I have at the moment, and on the right, my old Kayfun on a Yihi Mini SX M class Mod and it's awesome!
it's my first temperature controlled build and it's just so good. The temperature control part is really good: Hit and taste are excellent, battery life is impressive and once you know what temperature and power is best for you, there's nothing more to worry about...
Wow vape, much stable.
I got new toys: on the left, my old ZNA with a Squape R Clone, which is probably the best atomizer I have at the moment, and on the right, my old Kayfun on a Yihi Mini SX M class Mod and it's awesome!
it's my first temperature controlled build and it's just so good. The temperature control part is really good: Hit and taste are excellent, battery life is impressive and once you know what temperature and power is best for you, there's nothing more to worry about...
Wow vape, much stable.