My parents are both pretty keen twitchers, especially now they're both retired. My best 'life tick' to date was spotting a Golden Eagle in the wild above Glen Nevis when I was maybe 11 or 12. We'd gone out to look for one especially, and I was seriously pissed at just having seen crows/buzzards all day; I remember saying, "oh look, another bloody crow" or something along those lines after spotting something in the distance, and then realising my mistake as one soared overhead. It was majestic.
Ha didn't know about that. Had I done I would have diverted to see it on my ride to Cromer today as I was a bit of a birder when younger and did a bit of twitching. That's a proper mega right there.
Best twitch I went on was also at Holkham and was a Short-toed Treecreeper. About the 3rd or 4th British record then and hadn't been seen for many years. There were about 100 twichers there when I got there and it people weren't getting good views so were getting quite angry. Fights were breaking out to get the best position! Which was handy for me as it scared the bird and sent it onto the edge of a hut about 10 yards in front of me. Superb views! #csb