• Stronglight A9 is the needle bearing unit? Very high quality, and sealing is more than good enough for road/commuter use IMO, not good enough for a winter MTB or winter commuter that lives outside though, but then no loose ball would be that I can think of.

    Cane Creak C1 were a fiver each on chain reaction last year, I bought 4 of them. Still on the first headset, think the lower cup is steel rather than alloy but it has a low/medium stack height, the same sealed cart bearings you see in just about all good (FSA/VP etc) 1" headsets and an extra little o ring seal on both cups. For a fiver, even for £20/25 I'd buy them all day long.

  • Stronglight A9 is the needle bearing unit?

    Originally caged ball, then needle/roller and now cartridge.

    Personally I'd avoid roller bearings, as a HS is the wrong application for them.

  • Now cartridge?
    Hmmm, may have to consider one of those, as finding a 6400 is proving difficult. Is it easy to spot the difference in bearing type when buying the A9?

