I've incorporated elements of it into my training though with a few exceptions; I only increase the weight once a week not every time, I mix bits with other stuff I like doing like dumbbell stuff & I do 2km on the rower first. He gives guide weights for starting in there somewhere with different figures for male & female (though it's basically starting with just the bar).
I've definitely had results from it & there are a couple of ladies at my gym that seem to be at least loosely following it (the same as me) who also seem to be enjoying it.
Stronglifts and starting strength are decent. I do the same when I am trying to add strength, drop to 5 x 5 and increase weight, but I just use it as a guide for the lifts where I want to add strength.
Have a look at this
I've incorporated elements of it into my training though with a few exceptions; I only increase the weight once a week not every time, I mix bits with other stuff I like doing like dumbbell stuff & I do 2km on the rower first. He gives guide weights for starting in there somewhere with different figures for male & female (though it's basically starting with just the bar).
I've definitely had results from it & there are a couple of ladies at my gym that seem to be at least loosely following it (the same as me) who also seem to be enjoying it.