"Essentially, I want to build more muscle and have less fat."
What DST says, stick to the big lifts, but get somebody to teach proper technique if you can.
Well_it_is is right too that hamstring exercises are very good, not just for cycling, strong core/lower back/hams also keep you right for squat and deadlift.
Clean up your diet (if you haven't already).
2 gram of protein per KG bodyweight is a good start
Eat well, have fun :)
I probably didn't phrase that well : /
Whilst we've got the same muscle groups as the menz and they basically all respond/work in the same way, the menz are generally looking to get different things out of their weight training to women.
Not that I'm falling for that "aggh! I'm a lady, I can't do weights as I'll bulk up" bullshit either.
Essentially, I want to build more muscle and have less fat. Actually have some semblance of a power to weight ratio happening rather than weight to power...!