Perhaps I didn’t make myself clear enough. I don’t just ‘disagree’ with tory voters, I actively fucking despise them. A vote for them is tacit acquiescence to a shower of entitled cunts who have made an ideological imperative out of condemning those in society least equipped or empowered to defend themselves against the tory party’s mendacity. This latest wheeze being a transparent attempt to ensure those same people are effectively denied one of the few legitimate outlets for their grievances should they decide to get uppity about the next kick in the balls were ALL about to receive from these venal, born-to-rule cunts. So yes, fuck you – I do sincerely hope you fucking choke on it.
Perhaps I didn’t make myself clear enough. I don’t just ‘disagree’ with tory voters, I actively fucking despise them. A vote for them is tacit acquiescence to a shower of entitled cunts who have made an ideological imperative out of condemning those in society least equipped or empowered to defend themselves against the tory party’s mendacity. This latest wheeze being a transparent attempt to ensure those same people are effectively denied one of the few legitimate outlets for their grievances should they decide to get uppity about the next kick in the balls were ALL about to receive from these venal, born-to-rule cunts. So yes, fuck you – I do sincerely hope you fucking choke on it.