• My first project on the new car, other than having to get a wing fixed already (too much lock for the ride height!):

    This is the setup somebody else has done that I'm copying.

    This is how it works:

    On the far right is a 12V to 5V step down with a component 5V out and 4xUSB ports
    That step down feeds the powered USB hub via the 5V out and the 4xUSB ports can power

    1. Nexus 7 (to connect to Mega Squirt)
    2. iPod
    3. 2 x phones

    The big bit in the middle is a "bare bones" 4 channel amplifier with 2 x RCA inputs powered by 12V input

    So how does it all work together?

    Essentially the Nexus 7 is connected to the step down and USB hub via a OTG Y cable. The step down provides power, the USB hub allows multiple USB connections to the Nexus 7. The Mega Squirt and a USB soundcard plug into the USB hub allowing me 2 spare ports on the hub for connecting a hard drive or USB pens. The USB soundcard outputs sound to the amplifier which connects to the speakers so the Nexus 7 outputs it's sound through the car speakers. A rom called USB rom allows me to charge and USB host on the Nexus 7 at the same time, and there's an option called fast charging which I can enable on that rom to ensure it doesn't use more power than it gets (a problem with the cheaper chinese tablets).

    What does that mean in the car?

    The Nexus 7 can talk to the Mega Squirt - that's no big deal, I can do that now.
    However, it can now also play music, be a sat nav, and play videos, importantly through the car speakers, use the internet via phone tethering, and also do lap timing using Harry's lap timer or something similar.
    I can also charge two phones and have my iPod charging at the same time, and if required I can switch from listening to sound from the Nexus 7 and plug a separate aux cable into a phone or the iPod.

    All of this is important because as well as being a car for being abused, me and my gf drive about the country to see friends and family in it quite often and I'm intending to go to Germany more often too. If I'm by myself I don't mind wearing headphones, but with my gf it'll be a pain to both have to wear headphones on a 3+ hour journey
