If I had the time to get out then I would, but at the moment this is working for me. The only riding out I do (besides the odd leisurely 60 miler) is on the velodrome anyway, and I've found that my muscular endurance and recovery have massively improved since starting properly training it. When I'm on the road I can't be arsed to do zone training, but on rollers/turbo (with a powertap) it's all I'm interested in. I'm interested to do another FTP test in a week or so as I know it will have improved, even if it's just from my psychological ability to suffer for longer.
For sweet spot have people tried trainerroad? It's a life saver at the moment as baby duties mean the only riding I get to do is an hour or so each evening, and I'm doing it all on rollers to make the most of it.
Definitely feeling fitter (physically and mentally) after a few weeks of using their workouts.