No, I actually voted Green (despite my massive concerns about Bennett's ability to string a sentence together). Given I work as a lawyer in biodiversity conservation it is where I tend to end up. Just because I happen to disagree with you on the striking point, doesn't make me a Tory, and I hope doesn't make you want me to choke. There are various policies throughout all of the parties I agree with and disagree with, politics isn't just black and white. I work bloody hard to bring the government to account on its woeful record on forestry/conservation/clean air, and it's pretty soul destroying to find such a lack on the Left of people willing to put across coherent arguments without resorting to bullying and abuse. You call Tories the nasty party - look at your posts. I cannot tell you how ineffective you are when you just shout abuse. The Tories got a majority - calling everyone cunts isn't going to do anything about that. Stop crying about it and help those of us who are actually trying to do something to rectify the damage.
political engagement doesn't end at the ballot box, champ.