Everything aggi said really and also I'm quite surprised that (according to that article) currently you can't use agency workers as replacements - what do you do? Pay extra time to existing workers?
Out of all the negative tory policies that you could argue against this seems pretty sensible in principle imo. Obviously the devil is in the detail and whether anything else is slipped though.
What business is it of yours about another person's relationship with their employer?
Another random person who's work doesn't impact me and isn't payed for by the public? None at all. But this change is in relation to "key" public services. Isn't it?
Pay extra time to existing workers?
Duh... of course not cus they would be on strike!
The really important point about this is that 'Key' workers like firefighters and nurses
won't stop working even if they are in conflict with their employers because they are not arseholes who are simply in it for the money.They are workers like all others who are subject to being abused under their employment contracts.
When they feel they are being treated unfairly do you expect them to let people die while they strike?
Thats what tories do to people, not firefightersand nurses
I love the fact that you think an agency worker can just step in while these people are on strike.
You must be a proper turd.
and now your right to strike is about to be severely curtailed. 40% minimum ballot? shame we can't apply the same rule to politicians come election time.
voted tory? i hope you fucking choke.