Just heading north on Southwark Bridge this morning there was a chap on a s/s bike, he was struggling a little bit up Col d'southwark and as I went past I said ........
"Excuse me mate, you've got a flat tyre" as his back tyre was almost completely flat...
His response once he had a quick look round as he was peddling...
"Nah mate, its always like that"
Semi-related: I love the daily dash up Col d'Southwark (good name) and over the bridge from the lights at the bottom. Massively immature, but I can't help racing every damn time.
Just heading north on Southwark Bridge this morning there was a chap on a s/s bike, he was struggling a little bit up Col d'southwark and as I went past I said ........
"Excuse me mate, you've got a flat tyre" as his back tyre was almost completely flat...
His response once he had a quick look round as he was peddling...
"Nah mate, its always like that"