• You sure it's not just you tired/powerful legs?

    Don't thinks so - 2x20s are pretty much bang on usually.

    IIRC the calibration value is 7000ish - I gather that's not good.

    I'll be doing the test in the link you posted, once I have a known weight / or once I find my luggage scales.

  • 7000? On which head unit? You'd be more than 20W off if that was the case.
    Is it reporting higher or lower? 20W could maybe be unit heat or I once had a tyre go down mid-interval on a Computrainer - wondered why I was creeping up to 45oW when the trainer was set to half that!

  • IIRC the calibration value is 7000ish - I gather that's not good.

    If it's an old-style Powertap then the 'calibration' number is actually the serial number. My Bromton's calibration number is always -6029.
