Consolidating a bunch of kit, if anyone's interested in the following before I go make a proper thread, drop me a PM.
Revelate Harness (new style with rubber bar spacers) + 13l Alpkit double-ended dry bag, both unused
Revelate Tangle - small version, fairly well used but still in one piece, slight fraying to one of the seat tube straps, zips seem fine
Trangia burner (just the burner, not full set of pans...) + triangle stand + 500ml fuel bottle - all unused Alpkit Hunka XL - good condition, used for ~20 nights Alpkit Rig 3.5 tarp - used once, excellent condition - can probably include a bunch of cord to make your own guy lines
2x Salsa Anything Cage (2nd version, not the snappy ones) - very light use, straps included
Consolidating a bunch of kit, if anyone's interested in the following before I go make a proper thread, drop me a PM.
Revelate Harness (new style with rubber bar spacers) + 13l Alpkit double-ended dry bag, both unusedRevelate Tangle - small version, fairly well used but still in one piece, slight fraying to one of the seat tube straps, zips seem fine
Trangia burner (just the burner, not full set of pans...) + triangle stand + 500ml fuel bottle - all unused
Alpkit Hunka XL - good condition, used for ~20 nightsAlpkit Rig 3.5 tarp - used once, excellent condition - can probably include a bunch of cord to make your own guy lines2x Salsa Anything Cage (2nd version, not the snappy ones) - very light use, straps included