So I have been taking photos for a few years, and could never really be bothered with shooting RAW. Whilst the amount of control you can have over the final image seemed great, the sheer amount of time it would then take to prepare all your images seemed daunting. I already hated the time it took to do a few crops and rotations.
Anyway, I finally succumbed, and obviously the temptation to claw back the shadows and push the clarity was hard to resist. Shot some photos late on at a friends wedding, and my question is did I overdo the processing? I have lost all objectivity after spending so long editing them...
Looking at it on a bigger screen (rather than my phone last night), the photo seems to be over sharpened. If you can be bothered I'd be tempted to do a little light cosmetic retouching on your subject's neck and skin. Bangin' shot though.
So I have been taking photos for a few years, and could never really be bothered with shooting RAW. Whilst the amount of control you can have over the final image seemed great, the sheer amount of time it would then take to prepare all your images seemed daunting. I already hated the time it took to do a few crops and rotations.
Anyway, I finally succumbed, and obviously the temptation to claw back the shadows and push the clarity was hard to resist. Shot some photos late on at a friends wedding, and my question is did I overdo the processing? I have lost all objectivity after spending so long editing them...
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