nothing to compare it too, but the engine seems to be fine. The idle sounds OK, it's still fucking fast, and when you rev it the wail is present and correct
If it were a 996 my money would be on the variocam solenoid. Dunno much about Boxsters but I guess they have the same. From memory it's an £800+ job, more on one side than the other I think, so if it is that you'll be wanting to get it done back at the dealer under warranty.
I just bought that exact one earlier today. Let's see what the story is when it arrives.
Obviously I've nothing to compare it too, but the engine seems to be fine. The idle sounds OK, it's still fucking fast, and when you rev it the wail is present and correct. And amazing.
Just annoyed by shit like this. My most reliable car to date has been a Rover SD1 2300 which I was given for free.