After a while of kind of wanting to lose a bit of weight and using that as an excuse to go on rides a few times a week, to then going to the gym and discovering that I enjoyed lifting weights, my relationship with food has changed.
I still am a food seeky and will plan whole vacations based on restaurants I want to go to. For everyday food, though, I have started thinking of it in components like xx protein with yy vegetables and then zz carb == fuel for body to build the right stuff. It's weird, I wonder if I'd ever be able to go back to the relaxed old ways.
Back in high school days we used to laugh along with this song. Now I think it describes me :/
I think now that switch has happened, there's no going back. It's a good thing. Food is essentially fuel to give your body what it needs, what's wrong with looking at it like that?
Nothing really. Just the looks from co-workers as they walk past me happily eating a giant salad with chicken breast and cottage cheese, a few stalks of celery, and bowl of oat porridge for lunch.
After a while of kind of wanting to lose a bit of weight and using that as an excuse to go on rides a few times a week, to then going to the gym and discovering that I enjoyed lifting weights, my relationship with food has changed.
I still am a food seeky and will plan whole vacations based on restaurants I want to go to. For everyday food, though, I have started thinking of it in components like xx protein with yy vegetables and then zz carb == fuel for body to build the right stuff. It's weird, I wonder if I'd ever be able to go back to the relaxed old ways.
Back in high school days we used to laugh along with this song. Now I think it describes me :/