It's true! I got a bit moist-eyed loads of times, even at bits that weren't overtly sad. The really upsetting thing about it is that I finished it just two nights ago (yes, yes, slow, had a pause of reading, etc), and the very next morning, one of my bastard mates was posting on Facebook about how she'd just been given a shooting licence to go out and shoot rabbits on some farm in Fife.
"It's for the best," she said. "They need thinning out," she said. "They spread all kinds of disease," "the poor farmer needs help because they're so destructive," "it's better they die quickly by being shot than getting myxi" etc etc. Monster. I told her the Black Rabbit was going to come for her. She was nonplussed.
I'm re-reading Watership Down for the first time since I was small (I read it over and over a crazy number of times when I was a kid). I'm only 6% into the book according to my Kindle and it's made me cry, in public, at least 5 times so far.
ANYWAY! It turns out that Richard Adams is not only still alive but answering AMA threads on Reddit! What a legend: http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/2pkttw/im_richard_adams_author_of_watership_down_shardik/