• #2
I found this one in Poland but 56cm...
http://olx.pl/oferta/rower-szosowy-peugeot-triathlon-501-CID767-IDafeMH.html#cb006a90d0;promotedan another with unknown seatpost lenght:
http://olx.pl/oferta/peugeot-triathlon-unikat-86-szosa-ostre-28-CID767-ID9Zueh.html#c4de558b6c -
• #3
I actually just stumbled upon this one http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Peugeot-triathlon-racing-bike-frame-60cm-/271905012891?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item3f4ecd3c9b Was thinking if it's any good in general. Pretty dodgy state really..
This may be a shot in the dark but looking for a 60cm Peugeot Triathlon 531 F&F - I've always wanted one and finally have the cash.
also looking for cheap parts for a beater build for my brother. I'm trying to scavenge as many parts as I can for free since he is a broke student. So far I have a 60cm peugeot frame from the forum (Thanks @msutton30, it is perfect!) and an Alexa front wheel in alright nick that I found in a local skip.