Remote lever is well worth having. The convenience of seeing a descent and just pushing a button to lower the saddle, and then at the bottom of a climb while carrying momentum from the previous descent being able to raise it again without having to take a hand from the bars makes things so much easier. Having to take a hand from the bars and grapple with a lever under my crotch whilst at speed on uneven terrain does not have appeal in this or most other contexts.
Can't really speak for the GD, but I splashed out on a 27.2 Thomson for my Karate Monkey... have to say I really, really love it... that was until I saw my mates KS Lev that he put on his Krampus... it looks and feels as well built as the Thomson but somehow works without any cable sag... a thing of beauty. Not sure if it meets your length requirements, but if I was to go back and spend a huge amount of cash on a dropper again, I'd probably go for that one...
Here is a link to it:
And here is a shot of my Karate Monkey with Thomson
This seems like the best place to ask about this.
I've convinced myself a dropper post will improve the experience of riding my bike but I'm limited in which posts I can use as my frame is 27.2 and also quite small for me (intentionally) so I need 400mm+ of post.
That narrows it down to pretty much Gravity Dropper or Thomson.
I think id prefer not having a remote lever so if I went GD it'd be the Descender with the knob on the front and if Thomson I'd be looking to get/fit the under the saddle lever. Not actually 100% sure these are still available though.
The Thomson's a bit longer but the GD should be long enough.
Is the infinite adjustability (and better quality - if it is better) of the Thomson worth triple the cost of the GD?