My ankles have always been a bit tight, straight out of bed in the morning they make a very loud snap but on the whole I don't have any more serious problems that require physio. If they start to ache towards the end of the week a proper stretch really does wonders. This means holding the pose ^ for a good 30 seconds.
Do you know why you've recently developed the pain? Change in set up, shoes/cleats, miles, weight etc?
Yeah, I built a new sweet fixeh and went a bit hard on its first text run, esp with hills (last Sunday). Was getting stuff dialled in and it all felt great but in retrospect I obs went too hard because the pain started the next morning.
Haven't ridden it since and didn't ride at all last week, but went for a ten mile stroll yesterday and this morning its hot and inflamed again. Not too much pain but I can feel it creak when I move it. Commuted on Brompton this morning at grandma pace, didn't feel any worse when I got to work.
On the ibuprofen for swelling rather than pain and might do some icing until the selling goes down. I should probably also go see a doctor or physio...
@Inchpincher, wonder if you could update on your progress? I have picked up a bit of what I think is tendonitis in the left achilles. Cheers