Filtering on the left here this morning, very slow / stationary traffic. I usually go outside, but could see a tipper further up the road, so decided to stick left, mistake... Driver stops just before junction to leave a gap, car coming the opposite way sees me and stops, first driver suddenly decides to go left, and turns at the same time as signalling. Yell "Cunt, what the fuck", seems to do the trick. My spidy senses told me someone would act like a twat this morning. Luckily headwind / tiredness /caution meant I was crawling along. Wouldn't filter again.
Filtering on the left here this morning, very slow / stationary traffic. I usually go outside, but could see a tipper further up the road, so decided to stick left, mistake... Driver stops just before junction to leave a gap, car coming the opposite way sees me and stops, first driver suddenly decides to go left, and turns at the same time as signalling. Yell "Cunt, what the fuck", seems to do the trick. My spidy senses told me someone would act like a twat this morning. Luckily headwind / tiredness /caution meant I was crawling along. Wouldn't filter again.