I know that feeling. I was riding on the Gold Coast a couple of years ago and found myself in a similar situation on a mountain road that gradually turned to dust the higher I climbed. It's that eerie feeling when you realise that you've not spotted a single human being or sign of life (other than those you fear may eat you) in hours.
It was still one of my all time top 10 rides though.
I'm working on a farm to extend my visa so I took my bike to ride when I'm not herding cattle, driving utes and generally being a right crikey bladdy bloke mate.
Made a very ill-advised route/bike choice and decided to head over Mt. Samaria to Mansfield, but at the foot of the mountain the tarmac ran out, and it turned into a fire track. A bit of sharp climbing and it turned into clay, then sand, then rocks and sand at the point where I was too far to turn back.
My 23c tires were all over the place on the dirt climbs, and effing and jeffing reached unnecessary levels - and yes that is the easiest possible gear.
Instead of one of those Timotei adver descents down the other side where all your hard work comes to fruition, I spent the whole thing shitting myself over sharp rocks and gravel. I'm never buying a bike with callipers again. Return journey was into a headwind on a desolate road with this:
And fuckall else for 50 Kilometers. Back to the support ute, and home for a deep clean on my poor bike.
2/10 shit ride would not ride in Wolf Creek territory alone again.