Aye thats it, I'm under a lot of stress at the minute and your average bad driver incident is approaching enough to cause me to react badly to a situation, a camera strapped to riders/drivers/commercials does have its benefits but those that I know carry them seen to be involved in increasingly more rough situations. Some bravado from having the 'safe backup' of the camera seems to create it.
Right now probably not a good idea for me to have one!
Thats pretty fucking rough, did he actually ram you? Them traffic calming measures and state of road would cause any road user to have to use the centre or right hand side of the road, dangerous road planning if you ask me
Had one yesterday, old duffer in an automatic Honda who thought overtake into a cross roads then left hanger to the kerb, followed by several hundred metres of brake check + squash into a parked bus was an acceptable thing to do, then tried to reverse over me. Apparently I don't pay road tax so don't have a right, but actually he was lucky I didn't pull him out of the car by his face.
So do not want to get a camera and be that guy, but now reached the level that this deliberate intention to maim with a car has become common place. Most effective thing I've found to do is when they get out of hand and start becoming violent, remove the keys and ride 100m away with them into a group of other people or police station.