• I get tempted by hackintoshs at times, 2 pals of mine use them at their work, but then all it takes is apple to release an update and they'll all be screwed.

  • A wise choice. This comes from the old-time user, but never again. Just sold my last Apple gear (iPhone 5c, got a rocking 'dumb' Samsung B2710). Had Mac Mini G4, Mini Intel, early Cinema display, early Air, Airports etc...

    It was good back then, but now it's basically a teletubbies show. Hardware is not bad, but the software and the philosophy, consumerism, app store, politics etc gaaah...

    Edit: just noticed you were referring to a hackintosh, but the same applies, just say no, fuck them...

  • Ha, I'm afraid I don't share your hatred, quite the opposite, I'm a big fan of the ecosystem and think the hardware is beautiful, and yes that does matter (to me).
    My flat has two Airports for wifi an Apple TV and obviously a Mac and they all work perfectly together allowing me to stream any media anywhere in my flat.
    Computers did less in the olden days and there were less of them so fewer went wrong, that's my theory anyway.
    I'm blatantly setting myself up to buy the buggiest mac ever made next purchase (if @ExTra doesn't snap it up before me).
    #fanboy #drinkthatcoolaid #iactuallylikethelookofwindows10


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