Depends on how much plaster you want to cut, but I'm a bolster and club hammer guy. Wired my whole house using them.
Whoever plastered our house used a lot of cement in the mix - masonry nails can't penetrate it.
Therefore my plan is to cut in two short channels, both of around 50cm which will take the cable up to an existing channel (where the ceiling meets the wall).
Not worth the expense of hiring a proper cutter, therefore, but might validate the purchase of a multi-cutter with a tile cutting blade was my thinking.
Some prick used concrete in my house in some places. And also this incredibly dense ceramic type of plaster which is as hard as glass. Just awful.
Cutting a meter of plaster should be easy:
Mark it up, score heavily with a Stanley knife, drill a series of holes with a 6mm masonry bit along the score, then chisel* it out.
*A plunge blade like you were describing can probably handle most of this, but you still have to knock away the plaster from the brickwork.
Depends on how much plaster you want to cut, but I'm a bolster and club hammer guy. Wired my whole house using them.