Hi I'm 6ft 4 and arms like twiglets and bandy legs (93 ish kg) I'm looking for something to help with an increase in weight and to speed up healing after weight sessions a couple of times a week. Whats good ? Recommendations ? haven't really got loads of dollar.
Track your calories and up them. Only way to get bigger is to eat bigger... :)
In my case, quick carbs after training are great. White bread, white rice, dextrose (or a weightgainer product) and then lentils&other slower release carbs and peanut butter/other good fats on seated/cardio days.
Hi I'm 6ft 4 and arms like twiglets and bandy legs (93 ish kg) I'm looking for something to help with an increase in weight and to speed up healing after weight sessions a couple of times a week. Whats good ? Recommendations ? haven't really got loads of dollar.