• #67902
Anyone know where I can see the full version of this please?
• #67903
Stainless steel bolts for hubs or 7075?
• #67904
Bolt up? I wouldn't risk aluminium.
• #67905
Allen bolts. Not used them before so wondering if it's worth going for something harder to avoid messing them up when tightening wheel up
• #67906
New house, new door. Door needs locking with a key from the inside, this annoys me because I need to find a key to open it and I'm lazy, also firey death might await the whole family if keys aren't to hand, mainly laziness though. If there is a key in the inside I can't unlock from outside because the key is a couple of millimetres from fully inserting, if the inside key is straight and I do a bit of jiggling I can unlock it. Question is, if I get a new key (yale type) cut and file the point off the end, do you reckon I could just leave it in as a mostly permanent key? I reckon getting a new lock with a twisty knob on will cost a fair bit more.
• #67907
@snottyotter depends on if there are 2 sets of things or if it's reversed in the same space.
Door 5 inches thick?
• #67908
Does anyone run Osymetrics on fixed? Is it ok from the chain's tension point of view?
Recently read that shorter cranks don't make you loose much power but give you a good aero advantage.
Could this be the case for Osym.? I know they're supposed to increase power and many disagree, but couod they instead be a good way of making use of shorter cranks and improve aero?
Also, is the pedalling faster at 12:30 on the cranks and slower at 9:15? Would this make overall aero performance better, supposing 12:30 is less aero efficient and you spend a shorter total time on it? Anyone? @mdcc_tester? -
• #67909
I'm guessing two barrels, the keys only just meet in the middle by a couple of millimetres. It's one of those locks that stick out that thieves can break off in seconds with a big bar thing.
• #67910
Think I'm just gonna try.
• #67911
I'm pretty sure having an oval chainring doesn't help have smaller cranks...
Or in fact anything else for that matter, so I wouldn't bother.
• #67912
Does anyone run Osymetrics on fixed? Is it ok from the chain's tension point of view?
Yes, and yes-ish. A properly centred oval chainring is no worse than many of the not-quite-round circular ones in terms of variation of chain slack around the crank revolution
Recently read that shorter cranks don't make you loose much power but give you a good aero advantage.
So far I've been unable to loose any worthwhile power with short cranks, but in general crank length is indeed an irrelevance except for when they are too long. The jury is out on the aero advantage. Just switching to shorter cranks makes little difference, if it frees up positional options which were barred by longer cranks there might be gains to be had.
Could this be the case for Osym.?
No, because oval chainrings are snake oil. They get reinvented approximately every time everybody who wasn't around last time has got old enough to be suckered into paying for something which clearly doesn't work. Don't you think that after about a century of charlatans trying to flog non-circular chainrings that they would by now be universal if they were any good?
• #67913
Tnx, yes I agree that they are definitely not this big revolution but maybe finally finding their niche in triathlons? Maybe little aero advantage combined with a more similar motion to the running movements?
• #67914
a more similar motion to the running movements?
Your feet are still going in circles. Maybe if somebody rotated this drive through 90° it would make pedalling more like running :-)
And yes, I did say all this 4 years ago
• #67915
maybe finally finding their niche in triathlons?
If I were selling snake oil, I'd certainly go after the triathlon market :-)
• #67916
@snottyotter one of these? you will need to measure stuff more but it shouldn't be too hard to swap out.
http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/YALE-EURO-THUMB-TURN-CYLINDER-KMT35-10-35-NP-BRITISH-STANDARD-6-PIN-NICKEL-/181278348558?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item2a3508150e -
• #67917
Ah, nice! I can see the dead point's frequency reduced by at least 50 % there. Now i know why I got overtaken by something like this the other day in Regent's Park
I guess oval rings will have to wait for me then
Btw my ipad's safari chrashes every time I select the image icon to embed. Ths the fourth time i write this reply. :(
• #67918
You chose to be overtaken.
• #67919
Yeah, basically that but by modifying a key, they're actually about the same price so might just buy one, although my wife has an irrational fear the kid will run off in the night of we can't lock the door where she can't reach.
• #67920
How do you deal with the agonising wait between applying for a cyclescheme voucher and actually getting one. I was all excited about a new bike and now I find out it will likely be a couple of weeks?
• #67921
Anybody know where I can order a 1" Chris King crown race for delivery on or before wednesday?
• #67922
Where can I get hold of a decent bike so I can go on some nice road rides when I'm on holiday in Denver?
I'll be there for about three weeks, so would consider buying instead of hiring.
Can you suggest any good roads/routes to check out?
How much more difficult does the high altitude make riding?
• #67923
Hire a supersix from University Cycles in Boulder, then ride up into the front range, epic, beautiful roads
• #67924
You'll have to answer the altitude question yourself as everyone is different, for me it killed any ability to go beyond threshold- short sprints destroyed me- but steady state power (I.e. Climbing) was ok.
• #67925
Can anyone who has the tools/equipment to repaint a zipp 3000 properly come forward please?
Want to get mine repainted for the summer as its a nasty flat grey colour atm
Whatever there is, you could get nearly all of it by pulling the rubber seals out of the cartridge unit. Centaur might be particularly slow due to the double drive side bearing.
Seal drag is of the order of 0.01Nm, so at your average cadence of <5rad.s-1 there can't be more than 50mW to be had. Get your mum's kitchen weights out and measure how much you can balance on the crank above the pedal eye with the crank horizontal before it starts to move. 6g at 170mm would be 0.01Nm