Really bad on the first ride. That was a hilly TT so other pains eclipsed it after a while :)
I though it was just lack of acclimatisation (and perhaps it is). But it was bad. It's that type of pain - that I (and others) know from upping mileage or upping intensity.
I've been on the ss cross bike a bit too (with a lower, further back saddle). I'm not sure if that has had an effect.
Measurements were checked but I wasn't dipping my heal (I can dip my heel but I'm not doing it in practice). This was noticed and commented on (my an accomplished vet tester). I think he has a point.
We'll see.
I've just eliminated the same symptom by dropping my heel more. I moved the saddle down 3mm.
It's the time of year for achey lower backs (different bikes, riding harder etc).