I've got a couple of 61cm frames hanging around. I don't have the desire/funds at present to build them up and besides I've enough bikes.
1) Mid 80s Bob Jackson 531 SL, 57cm top tube. 126mm across the back. Comes with a headset (unbranded - but quality) The frame is in top quality condition. I paid £200 quid so ideally I'd like to break even.
2) Tokyo fixed frame. This one has track ends and is spaced 120 across the back. I fitted a stronglight headset. The frame is brand new and has been dry stored for a year after I purchased it from Kinoko's closing down sale.
A bit of an impulse buy really. I think £230 is a fair price. I won't be significantly out of pocket then.
PM if interested and I'll try and get photos to you although, that will really test my skills.
Sadly I think those are both a bit out of my budget. I've also reaslised that it's probably best that I don't get something too nice. I'm going to need to leave it out in the rain and stuff.
Hi Rich,
I've got a couple of 61cm frames hanging around. I don't have the desire/funds at present to build them up and besides I've enough bikes.
1) Mid 80s Bob Jackson 531 SL, 57cm top tube. 126mm across the back. Comes with a headset (unbranded - but quality) The frame is in top quality condition. I paid £200 quid so ideally I'd like to break even.
2) Tokyo fixed frame. This one has track ends and is spaced 120 across the back. I fitted a stronglight headset. The frame is brand new and has been dry stored for a year after I purchased it from Kinoko's closing down sale.
A bit of an impulse buy really. I think £230 is a fair price. I won't be significantly out of pocket then.
PM if interested and I'll try and get photos to you although, that will really test my skills.