Hmmm, I'm aware that might come across as a bit negative.
Herbal tea, actually is ok. Ginger tea is quite good at calming down the nausea from chemotherapy, in my experience. I'm sure that some of these crystal healing things seem to work for some people.
It's all pretty much a placebo though. Some of these hippy magic miracle cures probably do make some people feel better for a bit, but there is no proof that any of them extend life for a single day.
For me, Sambrooks Wandle ale and toulouse sausages are currently working a treat.
Ginger tea is quite good at calming down the nausea from chemotherapy, in my experience
And for a lot of other people too, and with some actual evidence AFAIK. That's a complementary therapy - doesn't actually have any effect on your disease, but makes the actual treatment more tolerable.
Hmmm, I'm aware that might come across as a bit negative.
Herbal tea, actually is ok. Ginger tea is quite good at calming down the nausea from chemotherapy, in my experience. I'm sure that some of these crystal healing things seem to work for some people.
It's all pretty much a placebo though. Some of these hippy magic miracle cures probably do make some people feel better for a bit, but there is no proof that any of them extend life for a single day.
For me, Sambrooks Wandle ale and toulouse sausages are currently working a treat.