So I picked this up off eBay, she's currently not the prettiest and needs a little bit of work but looks sturdy, was fairly cheap and was close by.
It's a Dawes Double Edge, not sure of the year, any ideas?
I'm planning on doing LEJOG in the summer with myself and girlfriend on this.
So planning on making this a) suitable for touring and b) a bit nicer looking.
It has rack mounts front and rear and already has fenders so that's something. I have a rear rack in the parts bin so that'll be going on shortly. It has front rack mounts and I'd like to fit one. Anyone have any suggestions or even better one to sell?
Those saddles are obviously going to be the first thing to go as they are hideous. I have a spare brown brooks that'll be going on the front and hopefully find a matching one for the girlfriend.
The other thing is it has GripShit which I am very much against. I have a set of Shimano bar end shifters in the parts bin so thinking of using those with Paul Thumbies (or more likely the SJS cycles version) any body have any of these to sell either?
Never had a tandem before and hoping this one will fit the bill, any tips or suggestions welcome.
So I picked this up off eBay, she's currently not the prettiest and needs a little bit of work but looks sturdy, was fairly cheap and was close by.
It's a Dawes Double Edge, not sure of the year, any ideas?
I'm planning on doing LEJOG in the summer with myself and girlfriend on this.
So planning on making this a) suitable for touring and b) a bit nicer looking.
It has rack mounts front and rear and already has fenders so that's something. I have a rear rack in the parts bin so that'll be going on shortly. It has front rack mounts and I'd like to fit one. Anyone have any suggestions or even better one to sell?
Those saddles are obviously going to be the first thing to go as they are hideous. I have a spare brown brooks that'll be going on the front and hopefully find a matching one for the girlfriend.
The other thing is it has GripShit which I am very much against. I have a set of Shimano bar end shifters in the parts bin so thinking of using those with Paul Thumbies (or more likely the SJS cycles version) any body have any of these to sell either?
Never had a tandem before and hoping this one will fit the bill, any tips or suggestions welcome.