Any tips for a first 10? I'm kind of hoping to get under 30, other than that I've no idea.
I'm on a road bike (this one). Will stay in the big ring and just go for it but I have no computer. I'll just have to go by my lap times, measured roughly on my analogue watch.
Start easy, for the first mile it should feel like you can go much faster. Gradually ramp it up until by 9 miles you're not sure if you'll be able to finish at that pace (you will tho).
Just roll it round in a nice big gear but do change gear as you have the luxury of doing so.
Any tips for a first 10? I'm kind of hoping to get under 30, other than that I've no idea.
I'm on a road bike (this one). Will stay in the big ring and just go for it but I have no computer. I'll just have to go by my lap times, measured roughly on my analogue watch.