@Soul I dont think I can pull off the white.
@mands How are the holding up? every piece of clothing I've had from Planet X has been dire.
@rhowe I think the M signifies Mountain and the only difference is the sole for Shimano shoes, similarly RT for touring.
If everyone seems to agree they hold up well I'll stick with shimano.
Yeah they've held up OK. Took me a while to realise that the ratchet can be moved - there are two positions it can be in. One one of the shoes part of the ribbed plastic that runs through the ratchet snapped off, but unless I get trench foot I'm not going to need to use the bit that I lost.
I punched a hole above the big toe in both of them, but that's probably just my weird feet - gives a nice cooling breeze in summer. Make sure you won't need to ratchet them up to the tightest setting - if you go one beyond that you have to fight for quite a while to get the release catch to depress so you can take the damn things off.
I have a pair of Shimano RT82s, very similar to the RO88s @Soul mentioned but designed for touring so with a recessed cleat so you walk a little further on them without wearing the cleat so fast.