Training load ramping up nicely although cycling has taken a back seat at the moment. A full week is now:-
Mon: 10km (slightly lumpy) run
Tue: early morning 1h swim (3k or drills), evening 12k run home from work, 1h 5-a-side (4k running)
Wed: 6km (flat and fast) run (will eventually be speed/strength/intervals)
Thu: morning 12k run in to work, evening 1h 5-a-side (friendly game so gentler)
Fri: 1h30 swim (distance), 60k cycle
Sat: 5k parkrun
Sun: 1h swim (3k or drills)
So that's:
Run: 1+1+0.5+1+0.5 = 4 hours
Swim: 1+1.5+1 = 3.5 hours
Cycle: 2.5 hours
Total: 10 hours, plus 2 hours of 5-a-side football
Something usually gives each week[1] so the training load should be lower than this, but that seems manageable at the moment.
The plan also gets thrown away outside term time so I've got to make use of the time whilst I have it.
4.5k swim today. Did ~300m or so with the paddles. Very interesting. They didn't squirm away at the catch (so I guess that's good) but I definitely had to put more thought into what I was doing with my hands during the pull.
HM commute (usual 10k Richmond-Park/Putney-Heath loop followed by 12k commute in to work) planned for 21st May. Gulp.
The 6am alarm for Tuesday's early morning swim usually.
Training load ramping up nicely although cycling has taken a back seat at the moment. A full week is now:-
Mon: 10km (slightly lumpy) run
Tue: early morning 1h swim (3k or drills), evening 12k run home from work, 1h 5-a-side (4k running)
Wed: 6km (flat and fast) run (will eventually be speed/strength/intervals)
Thu: morning 12k run in to work, evening 1h 5-a-side (friendly game so gentler)
Fri: 1h30 swim (distance), 60k cycle
Sat: 5k parkrun
Sun: 1h swim (3k or drills)
So that's:
Total: 10 hours, plus 2 hours of 5-a-side football
Something usually gives each week[1] so the training load should be lower than this, but that seems manageable at the moment.
The plan also gets thrown away outside term time so I've got to make use of the time whilst I have it.
4.5k swim today. Did ~300m or so with the paddles. Very interesting. They didn't squirm away at the catch (so I guess that's good) but I definitely had to put more thought into what I was doing with my hands during the pull.
HM commute (usual 10k Richmond-Park/Putney-Heath loop followed by 12k commute in to work) planned for 21st May. Gulp.