Dear Friends and dear Customers,
I feel obliged to inform you about a decision I made about my future and the future of Ferriveloci.
The work that has been done with Ferriveloci is one in a million, because it gave me the chance to create something I believe in, and to meet all of you. However my personal path here is done: I need to grow and improve my skills, and I feel I can’t do it in the current situation.
I have decided to go a in a different direction so I have to challenge the future of what we created. I am taking this decision to achieve greater quality and design for you – if you are willing to keep on supporting me – and for myself.
The next months represent a stage of transition in which I will keep you updated about the future of Ferriveloci.
Thank you for contributing to the growth of our workshop.
What Ferriveloci is and represents nowadays, is because of all of you.
Sad to hear that, it was one of my dream frames. Really looking forward to what can come out of the experience developed with this project, keep us posted and good luck!
Dear Friends and dear Customers,
I feel obliged to inform you about a decision I made about my future and the future of Ferriveloci.
The work that has been done with Ferriveloci is one in a million, because it gave me the chance to create something I believe in, and to meet all of you. However my personal path here is done: I need to grow and improve my skills, and I feel I can’t do it in the current situation.
I have decided to go a in a different direction so I have to challenge the future of what we created. I am taking this decision to achieve greater quality and design for you – if you are willing to keep on supporting me – and for myself.
The next months represent a stage of transition in which I will keep you updated about the future of Ferriveloci.
Thank you for contributing to the growth of our workshop.
What Ferriveloci is and represents nowadays, is because of all of you.