yeah, if you look at the spreadsheet (http://goo.gl/RBHtiS which is missing some of Miles' miles from yesterday ATM it seems) you can see it dropped off a lot after that.
It looks like he took part in some 24 hour thing to kick it all off I think.
From what I can see, he's doing crazy hours a couple of times a week to get distance up, but it's hard to tell at the moment. The best that I've found for a plan for him is that he's aiming to do 220 miles a day, which would see him hit 80300miles over the year, which is behind Steve's two initial targets, but above Kurt's.
Kurt is obviously up on his (projected based on previous form is about 85800) and Steve down on his (current projections are way out due to the days of down time, but anywhere between 72600 and 82200)
All interesting to watch
Hmmm, it seems that Miles isn't yet uploading things to Strava...
Ah, the website says that stats will be available from the second week
edit 07:29
Miles rides are now showing on Strava, and are updated - The man seems to have ridden without sleep for 36 hours, to push 548 miles in the first 2 days.