I ride H+Son Archetypes and they are a very well built rim, so it's not that you have crap components. That being said, @BrickMan is right, its easy to tear through equipment when conditions are poor and bike services are not regular enough. Once you get grit on the brake pads and rim surface it can tear them up, then you start to get small metal fragments of brake surface in the pad which will scratch into the rim every time you brake unless you clean them out. It's one of the painful things about winter riding.
Regardless of the above, I still think 400km is very low to warrant replacement through wear. I'd advise taking a look at it yourself like you've suggested. I wouldn't worry about catastrophic failures on it under such a small amount of use.
I ride H+Son Archetypes and they are a very well built rim, so it's not that you have crap components. That being said, @BrickMan is right, its easy to tear through equipment when conditions are poor and bike services are not regular enough. Once you get grit on the brake pads and rim surface it can tear them up, then you start to get small metal fragments of brake surface in the pad which will scratch into the rim every time you brake unless you clean them out. It's one of the painful things about winter riding.
Regardless of the above, I still think 400km is very low to warrant replacement through wear. I'd advise taking a look at it yourself like you've suggested. I wouldn't worry about catastrophic failures on it under such a small amount of use.
Just my 2 cents, let us know how you get on.