• (dubkev here) ^^ yes it was 3-0. We went 1-0 up in the 1st and 3rd game, and were winning the third game for most of it i think, but couldnt stop the onslaught at the end, mj had superior speed and stamina. Louis was reffing (cheers) but I think Dan has the scores? There was probably a 3 goal gap in each game at the end. I definitely felt old by the end of the 2nd game. I dont feel too bad though, approaching 40 and almost keeping up with young lads in their 20s :-) Good games though, definitely shows the importance of playing games like that at HH rather than Newington, a fence would have been a nightmare.

    I said to Vit a few weeks back that I'd zero inclination / funds / permission / time to travel for tournaments, so him and Phil have a new young charge lined up for the summer season. All to be revealed soon I think, in the 'poloverse' thread. Any guesses who it is?
