• #577
that it is
i think a second hand TN laser comp might be a better cost effective option
• #578
It´s an 80GBP tent, the specs are fair enough for that price.
• #579
I just wanna say, the Force Ten Helium I picked up last week is fantastic.
Very easy to pitch, even for a camping n00b.. quality is evident, lovely design features AND i can sit bolt upright! (should be the same for those under 5'9") It does feel a little bit fragile, the zips are tiny - so care needed - but overall I'm chuffed to get a 1.2kg tent for £170
• #580
talking of fair spec for price, 1.5kg and £30...
• #581
Took the Zephyros 2 xl around Morocco last year. I'm 6' 5" and it was plenty big enough, not too heavy around 2 kg - fine on a bike. If you shop around can be had for a hundred and a bit, but only a bit.
• #582
Going to buy a Zephyros 2 after a few weeks looking around I think.
Looks like it'll with stand a festival or two in the old-peoples field as well as some short trips
• #583
Loving mine also. I went for the two man and at 6'3" theres loads of room.
• #584
I'm happy with mine, though i wouldn't go for the 2 lite i have to a festival!
• #585
is the lite just thinner?
Festivals i going to are small and quite tame, no Glastonbury or the like, hopefully be ok ?
• #586
That look great, more breathable than some single sheet tent too.
• #587
If you can a find Zephyros 2 XL Lite the pricing was close to the higher end Terra Nova Laser's.
Terra Nova bought out Wild Country few years back and run it as a budget side company to partner the high price and high spec Terra Novas. The Zeps are based on the Laser series but made from cheaper materials, they almost compare weight wise with the 10 year old Laser i have, so kinda trickle down design and tech to a budget market.
The Zep 2 XL Lite was an odd one, it was close in price and weight to the Terra Novas, this may have been why it was discontinued last year, i was looking to replace my old Laser and the Zep X-lites had my eye, but when compared with the price i could get a new laser for online, think it was only an extra £30-40 i was going to get a new up to date laser.
Taking posh tents to festivals is allright if you don't mind it maybe getting wrecked/pissed on/puked on or some drunk falling on it or setting it on fire when they try to cook some sausages next door to you.
The standard Zeps are pretty tough tents, the X-lite versions cost more and user better materials so are much lighter. -
• #588
Gelert Solo?
• #589
More info pls?
Edit: Found, Yellowstone Matterhorn.
• #591
According to my email inbox Terra Nova currently have a factory shop sale on with up to 70% off
Think you might have to set up an account and log in to see it, and I've no idea if there are actual tent bargains in there though
• #592
good price on the zeph for @rogan
http://www.terra-nova.co.uk/tents-and-spares/all-tents/zephyros-2-tent-eol-2014/ -
• #594
picked up a very good condition 2nd hand vaude terra trio 2P, am happy with this :)
• #595
Another supercheap and lightweight option. Hi Gear Soloista, 30GBP, 1.6kg.
• #596
I don't think 1.6kg is lightweight for a 1p tent. But it is cheap for sure.
• #597
Lots of factors involved though. Freestanding? Double skin? Vestibules? Doors? etc
• #598
So what's light then? A Zephyros 1 is the same weight, Coshee Micro is 1.4kg, Ferrino Lightent 1 is 1.5kg, Snugpak Ionosphere 1.7kg...
All of them about 100£. And you can definitely find heavier ones (2-2.5kg) for around the same price.
• #599
700g for 1 man is light. 1kg is normal.
• #600
dont forget pack size.
1400g is a lot for a tent you can't sit up in