Surely if you are not going to look over your right shoulder (which itself is a form of indication that you might wish to turn right) then you have a much greater need to indicate before turning right?
Are you advocating not signalling properly because lots of bad cyclists indicate properly? To a large extent indicating properly is what you do to ensure that there is a safe space to move into as the moment you indicate you are obliging everyone behind you to stay back and not overtake? (Obviously looking over your shoulder is a f'ing good idea too).
Check shoulder, signal, maneuver (if it's safe to do so).
If all you're doing is signalling (in a large and obvious manner) and maneuvering then you're abdicating responsibility for your actions and placing it in the hands of other road users, just the same as looking at your phone whilst stepping out to cross a road.
no point in indicating if you don't look over your shoulder to see if there's space for you to maneuver into. A big signal from what I've seen seems to infer that all traffic behind should slow and allow the maneuver whether it's okay to do so or not..