If this business with the Tory prick and the Trident renewal meant that Labour actually did agree not to replace it, I would probably vote for them.
As it is, my local MP is Lyn Brown, who seems known for shoving and swearing at a blind journalist in Portcullis House, claiming a second home allowance despite living her constituency being in East London, and being a hypocrite about unpaid internships. A Blairite basically.
If this business with the Tory prick and the Trident renewal meant that Labour actually did agree not to replace it, I would probably vote for them.
As it is, my local MP is Lyn Brown, who seems known for shoving and swearing at a blind journalist in Portcullis House, claiming a second home allowance despite living her constituency being in East London, and being a hypocrite about unpaid internships. A Blairite basically.