• I don't know whether it's worn or not, but I do know it's making a hell if a racket. Think about it it started after I cleaned in a chain bath and degreaser, and then re-lubed. I wonder if that may be the culprit. I'll find out when I get a new chain

  • Your money would have been better spent on a chain checker, than a chain bath: one is an essential tool that will save you money and makes life easier, the other is an entirely superfluous tool that will waste your money and turns a two minute job into a twenty minute one.

    After you degreased the chain (removing all the lube from where it is needed), did you thoroughly rinse it (to remove the degreaser that will destroy any fresh lube) and dry it (so it doesn't corrode)?

    A worn chain is no noisier than one that isn't, and if it wasn't worn before you cleaned it, it won't be worn now.

    A dry chain sounds like a bag of spanners, where as a properly lubed chain doesn't.
