50% or more off at Kilver Court? What is this false God? It's heresy I say.
We must re-purify ourselves. All together now:
"Our Rapha, who are wrought in N7.
Hallowed be thy signature armband detail.
Thy new collections come,
Our credit card will be done
On your website as it is in your Cycle Clubs.
Give us this day no daily discount code.
And facilitate our desire to FKW,
As we forgive those who wantonly mismatch your jerseys with inferior shorts.
And lead us not into Richmond Park without at least your bibs, base-layer, jersey, soft-shell and gilet.
But deliver us from the evils of coveting our clubmate's Grand Tour shoes.
For thine is The Suffering,
the B&W photography and the Glory.
50% or more off at Kilver Court? What is this false God? It's heresy I say.
We must re-purify ourselves. All together now:
"Our Rapha, who are wrought in N7.
Hallowed be thy signature armband detail.
Thy new collections come,
Our credit card will be done
On your website as it is in your Cycle Clubs.
Give us this day no daily discount code.
And facilitate our desire to FKW,
As we forgive those who wantonly mismatch your jerseys with inferior shorts.
And lead us not into Richmond Park without at least your bibs, base-layer, jersey, soft-shell and gilet.
But deliver us from the evils of coveting our clubmate's Grand Tour shoes.
For thine is The Suffering,
the B&W photography and the Glory.
For Ever and Ever.