• #2
If I had a spare I would lend it to you.
For the record, I've never seen Colm fall off.
• #3
Plenty of people leave their bikes in storage at the track, so getting hold of one them would probably be the easiest. If you find yourself sans bike do PM me.
• #4
I've a condor lavaro in storage there and its a 58cm. Welcome to use free of charge but any breakages would be replaced.
Not used this year so would just need a bit of air in the tyres and good to go.
• #5
PS it's got shimano spd sls on it.
Miche cranks, From memory 48/13 gearing.
Have a look on my instagram page .. philqr
• #6
You sir are a true gent!
I will certainly exchange a 6 pack of your favourite beer in return for the use of your bike if you like? Will you be down on the day? Its saving me an awful lot of trouble lugging a bike over for the weekend (I'm visiting the gf, she doesn't know that I'm going racing on Saturday yet ;) ), especially considering the racing was called off on Saturday!
I recognise the bike...good chance weve been on track together on more than one occasion over the past 12 months.
• #8
@Colm89 You can have my Dolan Seta if you prefer that.
Award winning set up that has never won any awards ;-)
• #9
Nice one Vince, your offer is much appreciated, but it looks like it might be a bit small for me.
I've a big favour to ask of any of you living in London....
I'm flying over next Friday morning, and plan to race at HHV on Saturday. Now, I've no problem booking my bike onto a flight, and will do so if needs be, but was interested to see if any of you kind souls had a 56-58cm track bike that you might loan me for the days racing?
More than happy to pay a small rental fee (ideally smaller than what it would cost me to bring my own bike), and obviously if I break anything I will cover the costs. I'll bring my own pedals etc.
I know a handful of people on here that will probably tell you I can't ride a bike....don't listen to them!