• I do sometimes carry my bike under certain circumstances:

    1. When covering rough terrain.
    2. Having been injured by my pedals. No matter what you say, it does happen and when I'm not wearing socks and I have the evil spikey pedals on I am particularly vulnerable.
    3. Ascending the flights of the step variety. (Kind of covered in point 1)

    Just realised that four other pages have been posted before moi.

  • Richmond car park is not rough terrain
    Road bike pedals should not have spikey bits
    Richmond car park does not have flights of stairs

  • I was speaking more generally in response to a statement on page one (Just realised that four other pages have been posted before moi):

    Why don't people just wheel them? Is it some sort of machismo thing? Is carrying a bike easier than I'm giving it credit for?

  • Richmond car park is not rough terrain

    Tell that to the "mountain" bikers on the Tamsin trail...
