I've been off here for ages, put on a bit of weight post wedding during the winter while not climbing or riding as much. As if there weren't enough activity trackers out there already I've just started using the Ukclimbing.com diary as I can log all my routes, indoor climbing and bouldering accurately as well as other exercise. Not as fancy as some trackers but does the job for me. Ukclimbing activity diary
Just started using it today and added this weeks runs and the last few push/pull/squat/situp app sessions and the honeymoon climbs. Not gonna go backdating but will try and keep it up to date from now.
I've been off here for ages, put on a bit of weight post wedding during the winter while not climbing or riding as much. As if there weren't enough activity trackers out there already I've just started using the Ukclimbing.com diary as I can log all my routes, indoor climbing and bouldering accurately as well as other exercise. Not as fancy as some trackers but does the job for me.
Ukclimbing activity diary
Just started using it today and added this weeks runs and the last few push/pull/squat/situp app sessions and the honeymoon climbs. Not gonna go backdating but will try and keep it up to date from now.